lupa / Magnifying glass

Lupa/Magnifying Glass is a metaphor of an analog search engine. It holds all the “codes.” and is an amalgamation of an idol and a tool. A window, a key finder. It is glazed with a light, “nude” color, similar to my own skin color, and engraved and carved with objects, symbols, icons and representations of evidence of contemporary life, such as a French press, an alarm clock, or a video game controller. Throughout our lives we collect objects that we choose to surround ourselves with, and these objects and their associations become part of our visual language that we are each imprinted by. In my art practice, objects are a vehicle for encoding my universe, and I use icons to represent the objects that I have incorporated in my life. Chosen objects of this kind affect the way we conduct ourselves, how we think about ourselves, and the way in which we assign such objects meaning. I generate meaning into my artworks through inferred function, cultural significance, and the personal association objects hold for me. I think about these actions and the functionality of my work and my process when I encounter artist that utilize domestic objects in the same manner as I do. Jonas Wood is one of those artist that I admire and that I can relate to, I can relate to the energy and the relationship he has with his won work, and the way he generates it and manifest it into life. He utilizes objects and landscapes of his own personal domestic spaces pair with their imagined and internet found pictures and materials that he would like to integrate with his own objects and life. Giving new meaning to his already created reality though his work.


Brujas / Witches

