Guerreritos Espaciales / Little Space Warriors
In the piece titled, Guerreritos Espaciales / Little Space Warriors, the idol-like ceramic figure is made of iron stone clay. Iron stone clay is made mostly of iron, and it has so much of this material that it is magnetic. The origin of earth’s magnetic field is still a mystery, but we know that it makes earth unique, it sets the direction of our compasses and gives us our north, our sense of location as well as acting as a shield against solar winds that would erode our atmosphere otherwise. Iron stone clay as a material of choice reveals the powerful qualities it has as an armor and protector of the little earth warriors. The piece consists of three Tele tubby-shaped figures attached to one another at the hip. They have a dark metallic surface which appears like armor and is bolstered by volcanic rock encrusted helmets and protective reflective visors. The figures have a childlike essence and an idealistic nature while they're poses, and body language imply bravery and that they are ready for action. They are a representation of a great team of brave little futuristic warriors. In many Mesoamerican, as well as European, cultures there is a hierarchy of animal sacrifice where animals with horns were valued higher than those without. There exist 38 verses in the Bible’s Old Testament in which such important hierarchy is mentioned (38 Verses). For this reason, I have included horns on the helmets of the warrior figures. These astronaut-like idols are stand-ins for my children. My children experience a world in which their foreign relatives have always pointed at how alien the children are to the relatives. My children live outside many of the social norms and expectations that are still in place in my homeland, and they have become brave and courageous out of necessity to be able to maintain their own evolved and new system of beliefs. I use these idols as guides, in this particular case, as a constant reminder of the support and impact I must provide in my children’s lives in order to help them succeed in whatever path they choose to follow.
Through my creative process, I also connect to my own history and experiences.I was raised Catholic, yet I have a particular connection and attraction to Mesoamerican figures and pagan idols. Throughout my life many creatures and characters of this sort have been manifested as prayers for safe and joyful alternative futures. I believe that there are universal systems of engineering, spirituality, and practical practices, as these systems are functional, useful, and needed by all. We share the need for a greater entity to believe in, the need for stability, the need for shelter, the need for nourishment, the need to hold on to something bigger than oneself, and the need to be part of a community.